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Will low Code Development replace traditional developers?

With the advancement in technology and the growing demand for digital products, the need to simplify and simplify software and application development is pushing entrepreneurs and business owners to devise new ways to make life easier for themselves and their teeming audience.

As the name implies, low code development requires little or no coding. Users do not necessarily need to have knowledge and experience in coding to navigate through low-code apps or software successfully. In low code development, most technicalities are simplified.

A forecast by Business Wire shows that the low-code development market, which is currently worth 13.2billion dollars, will grow by 38.6% in 2027. However, with the growing demand for low code development platforms, there are concerns about whether low code development will replace traditional developers?

Here are a few reasons why low code development platforms may never make traditional developers extinct.

Lack of Pliability and Customization

With low code development, there will always be limitations. Things users can do with it are always limited to what the developers have programmed. This might mean building from scratch to achieve the aim for complex cases, which is where traditional developers must come in.

Security Concerns

With the speed with which they are built, there are serious concerns about low-code development platforms and the level of security they offer users. These platforms could be prone to data breaches, account hijacking, insecure APIs, and Data loss. They can also lead to shadow IT as the development of Low-code platforms, more often than not adhering to the Normalized System Theory principles. Hence, the need for IT professionals to strengthen the security of the backend as well as ensure compliance.

The Need for Upgrade

As the usage of digital products is experiencing a surge, so is the demand for new features. And even though Low-code platforms simplify complex business processes, some types of complexities might not be effective. Therefore, with this limitation, there will always be a need for traditional developers.

Low-Code development platforms don’t exist in isolation. They exist because traditional developers give them a framework to thrive. Therefore, without traditional developers, there won’t be Low-code development platforms today.


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