Low-code platforms present a variety of options for seamless automation, the simplistic drag and drop methods and user interface templates, make building websites and applications with low-code easier.
Low-code makes it easier for companies looking for fast development, with low-code they can quickly create products that will scale their relevance and boost their visibility in the market. With the great opportunities that low-code platforms present, it is important to know what can be created using the platforms, this will help in making better decisions when next you want to build a website or an app.
Apps You can Create on Low-Code Platforms
Operational Efficiency Apps
The constant consumer demands have necessitated the need for companies to automate processes and increase their efficiency more than before. Low-code platforms help give the chance to automate tasks, schedule notifications, and simplify complex processes.
Low-code platforms allow organizations to leverage domain experts' knowledge throughout the app lifecycle, allowing for iterative design and development of operational efficiency apps.
Furthermore, the platforms include connectors or allow developers to create their own and make them available through a Private App Store, resulting in simple integration with systems of record.
Examples of Operational Apps Built with Low-Code
Examples of operational efficiency apps include claims processing, supply-chain management, invoice processing, device tracking, university registration, and order management apps.
Mendix reports that NC state university delivers 500,000 Non-Credit Course registrations per year, this was made possible by the help of REPORTER, an app built with low-code development.
Jordan Boyle, now a software developer at NC has this to say “I have a little coding experience, but I’ve never wanted to write hundreds of thousands of lines of code,” he says. “The low-code approach was very appealing. As an intern, I was able to dive right into Mendix. I started exploring the tool and quickly got up to speed. Now I’m a software developer full-time. That’s really cool.” The app was built REPORTER in just two months with the full launch occurring in just five months.
Also, Kao, a premium beauty-care brand was confronted with an urgent need for a sales order entry app, so they had to extend their app with new functionalities, they did this using low-code development.
The low-code platform reduced their time to market by 10 times which allows Kao to deliver an app that saves sales reps up to 2hrs per day, also, Kao was able to develop 12 interfaces in 2- 3 days each, and not the estimated 30 days per interface.
Customer Engagement Apps
Knowing that many enterprises do not have sufficient UX resources, low-code platforms often include a UI framework with widgets and templates that enables those without a UX background to build scalable multi-channel engagement apps. Customer engagement apps allow customers and partners to interact with and operate with the company. They boost satisfaction, customer loyalty, and income.
Many times, the organization has an idea of how the app should work due to how they want to engage with customers, but the development team must prepare for the unknowns that emerge during the process. Customer-facing applications frequently face high user expectations in terms of usability and seamless, multi-channel access.
This is where the UI frameworks provided by low-code platforms will come in handy, the frameworks available on those platforms make the UI interaction seamless and enjoyable for users.
Example of Customer Engagement App built with Low-Code
Texas Life has been managing its operations on a legacy software application originally built in the early 2000s, the company recently decided to undergo a significant digital transformation of operations and services, reducing its reliance on manual, paper-based processes.
Choosing a low-code platform, they were able to create a custom interface that allows policyholders to do various easy chores without having to call and wait for, fill out, and return paperwork.
Customers have switched in large numbers from approaching the contact center to first accessing the portal since it went live in mid-2015. Customers are not just indicating a desire for self-service, but with Texas Life's insurance business increasing steadily, there has been no need to enlarge the customer care workforce as of yet. The portals are being developed to allow access from mobile devices.
Innovation Apps
Ideas for new business models, products, and go-to-market channels inspire innovative apps that help the organization grow and differentiate itself. They frequently use emerging technologies such as IoT, AI, and Machine Learning to create new sources of value for the business.
In any case, because innovative apps begin as ideas with hazy requirements that are subject to rapid change, they necessitate a high level of business involvement throughout the entire development process to ensure they deliver the intended value.
Low-code platforms make innovation easier because they allow experimenting with new ideas very quickly and at low cost. It also makes it easy for business owners to build prototypes and collaborate with developers to simplify apps with complex integrations.
Some examples of innovation apps include AntTail’s medicine tracking app, Solomon Group’s RFID wristband event access app, KLM’s IoT equipment tracking app, and Heijman’s IoT-based smart building management app.
Example of Innovation App built with Low-Code
AntTail, a pharmaceutical company anticipated the challenges in the pharmaceutical industry by adopting internet of things (IOT) in their services. They created an app that helps identify the weak spots in the supply chain and reminds the patient to store their medicines at proper temperatures
AntTail’s founder developed the front-end of the app with the use of a low-code platform, although they developed the back-end with JAVA, the front-end for the IoT app was developed using a low-code platform.
Legacy Migration Projects
Business systems, apps, and processes that were revolutionary years ago can no longer compete (or integrate) with modern technology. Even if legacy systems are still operational and mission-critical, they are very likely monopolizing IT resources while also being incompatible with new software. In other words, legacy systems stifle business growth.
The majority of legacy migration projects among customers are business-driven transformation initiatives.3 That is, rather than a lift-and-shift existing functionality, these new apps are intended to replace legacy apps that cannot support new processes or provide the appropriate user experience. As a result, they necessitate new functionality while also supporting existing processes.
Low-code development enables organizations to be user-centric when replacing or adding new functionality to legacy apps, replacing them or improving the total user experience, such platforms support modern microservices architectures and include built-in capabilities for addressing quality and maintainability at each stage of the life cycle to avoid becoming future legacy apps problem.
An example of a Legacy Migration App Project
A perfect example of the legacy migration project is Boston Global, the largest newspaper and regional website in New England which turned to Mendix low-code development platform to migrate legacy Lotus Notes workflows that were difficult to maintain and no longer meet the modern-day user experience. The result was astounding, what took over a month to code in Lotus was done in just 5 days with the Mendix platform.
A digitally transformed workplace can have a significant positive impact on the business because it brings about an overall change, not only technologically but also culturally. If your company is looking for a solution that will improve communication, collaboration, and business process automation, low-code platforms may be the answer to enabling a well-connected digital workplace.
Low-code platform enables business users and programming experts to create user-friendly applications with modern user interfaces, integrations, data, and workflows. Low-code is a skill of the present and the future, the best time to learn code is now, and you can learn it at the GoCreate USA Bootcamp. Sign up here to register for the Bootcamp.