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Is Low-Code the Future? Predicting the Future

Gartner forecasted that in 2021, Low-Code development would grow by about 23% as a result of remote development emanating from the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Software has played a vital role in defining how humans interact, run businesses, and develop economies for the past six decades. Alan Turing would be surprised to see what the world has been able to achieve with his mathematical experiments, which turned out to be the first form of Software development.

The advancement in hardware devices has also come with rapid growth in software technology. Conversations around technological developments today will not be complete without artificial intelligence, fifth-generation telecommunications networking (5G), big data, biotechnology, robotics, low-code development, and quantum computing. All these, with inputs of software programming coming together to make business processes seamless and life a lot easier.

Low-Code development enables business users who are non-programmers to develop and deploy applications and software without relying on a team of software developers.

Interestingly, today in a bid to simplify business processes, a vast change is underway in the software development market. Unlike in the recent past, when organizations were solely reliant on a central team of IT professionals, there are now tremendous changes in how they create solutions for their IT needs, with low-code development spearheading that change.

Low-Code development enables business users who are non-programmers to develop and deploy applications and software without relying on a team of software developers. As the name implies, unlike traditional software development, it requires less coding and does not need the developer to be skilled in coding.

The high rate of Low-Code development adoption has mainly been credited to the Covid-19 pandemic, and understandably so. With the lockdown came a need to automate many business processes, which normally would be in-person and manual; businesses began to turn to Low-Code for those solutions. Gartner forecasted that in 2021, Low-Code development would grow by about 23% as a result of remote development emanating from the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Meanwhile, aside from the pandemic, many other factors are contributing to its adoption, such as the shortage of skilled IT professionals, the overwhelming need for applications and software, and the enormous IT solution requests developers face. There is not a better time for this innovation than now.

Nevertheless, there have been concerns about whether low-code development is the future of software development and if it would undermine the importance of professional software developers and render them irrelevant.

However, while low-code development can be said to be the future of Software development, it will not outrightly replace traditional developers. There are complex cases that low-code may be unable to handle in the foreseeable future.

Therefore, it will promote collaboration between the users and the developers. Users will be empowered to become citizen developers, creating solutions to less taxing IT problems. That most times form a considerable chunk of the backlog of solution requests IT teams get - while these professionals can focus more on the critical development challenges that require their attention and expertise.


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